
Why Atlantic County?

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Whether you are interested in starting a business, relocating, or expanding your business, Atlantic County, 新泽西州567平方英里的土地上提供了大量的机会. 坐落在郁郁葱葱的农田和14英里的沙滩海岸线之间, Atlantic County is within a short distance of Philadelphia, New York City and Washington, DC with easy access by car, bus, rail or air. 我们很高兴有机会向您展示为什么大西洋县是最好的商业地址.

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Higher Education

大西洋县有一所国家认可的大学, a comprehensive community college, a blue ribbon technical high school, and outstanding public, private and charter schools.

Stockton University

Stockton University

Located in Galloway Township, 斯托克顿大学是美国最具特色的公立艺术大学之一, sciences, and professional studies. 在2017年美国北方顶尖公立地区大学中排名第14位.S. News & 斯托克顿的扩张计划将成为该地区的经济驱动力. 斯托克顿大学(Stockton University)最近在大西洋城开设了校区,拥有约1万名学生,000 students and hopes to grow from here.

Atlantic Cape Community College

Atlantic Cape Community College

扩建了耗资4400万美元的最先进的科学设施, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics building, student center, and a Hospitality Center. 它的赌场职业学院和烹饪艺术学院都广受好评. In addition, 该学院获得了200万美元的经济发展管理局拨款,用于建设航空学院,这将有助于提供训练有素的劳动力,进一步加强该县的航空业.

Atlantic County Institute of Technology

Atlantic County Institute of Technology

大西洋县理工学院是大西洋县最全面的技术教育设施. 坐落在梅斯登陆汉密尔顿商业园区58英亩的校园, 理工学院为学生提供创新的课程, which combines academic instruction, career technical education, internships, 还有结构化的工作经历,旨在弥合课堂学习和职场技能之间的差距.

Quality of Life

大西洋县每年吸引超过2500万游客,000 second homeowners. 远离大西洋城的赌场和世界一流的餐厅, entertainment and shopping, to the beauty of our scenic rivers and wildlife refuges, 有一些东西能让所有年龄和能力的人都感兴趣. 我们优质的教育机构和医疗设施进一步提高了这种非凡的生活质量.

Beaches and Boardwalk

大西洋县是东海岸个人和家庭的首选目的地之一. Absecon Island includes the towns of Brigantine, Atlantic City, Ventnor, Margate, and Longport, with 14 miles of pristine beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. 这些城镇是夏季游客和第二房主的最爱. The country’s first boardwalk, built in 1870 in Atlantic City, includes shops, eateries, amusements, casinos, 木板路大厅(每年一度的美国小姐大赛的举办地), light shows, and seasonal firework displays. 游客们可以骑自行车,也可以选择更轻松的滚椅和有轨电车穿越四英里长的木制人行道, which further extends into Ventnor.

Beaches and Boardwalk


From the Tanger Outlets, 从大西洋城的步行街到历史悠久的史密斯维尔镇和哈蒙顿镇的精品店, 大西洋县为居民和游客提供了有益的零售体验. Somers Point, Mays Landing, 蛋港城也以充满活力的市中心为特色,融合了历史遗迹和现代产品. 无论你是在寻找高端零售还是打折的名牌时装,大西洋县都应有尽有.

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大西洋城的餐厅以名人厨师为特色,如Bobby Flay, Wolfgang Puck, Geoffrey Zakarian, Guy Fieri, Gordon Ramsey, Michael Symon, and Jose Garces, among others, 随着餐饮选择,庆祝来自世界各地的文化. 一些城镇每年都会举办餐厅周(或更长时间),以展示当地餐厅的多样性和质量. Fresh seafood, locally grown Garden State produce, award-winning wineries, 啤酒厂为大西洋县增添了气氛. But there’s also plenty of salt water taffy, caramel corn, and hand-whipped fudge to tempt even the finest of diners.


Arts and Culture

Arts and culture can be enjoyed throughout Atlantic County, 多年来,海湾大西洋交响乐团和大西洋城芭蕾舞团等知名乐团一直为观众带来欢乐. 大西洋城还拥有斯托克顿艺术车库和但丁大厅剧院, 而哈蒙顿镇有自己的艺术区,有画廊和博物馆, including the Eagle Theatre. 萨默斯角的盖特剧院最近重新开放,进行社区演出, 而位于加洛韦的斯托克顿表演艺术剧院全年都会举办戏剧和活动. Last but not least, 大西洋县退伍军人博物馆位于埃斯特尔庄园的丹尼尔·埃斯特尔之家, 哪个在州和国家历史遗迹名录上都有.

Arts and Culture

Health Care

AtlantiCare是新泽西州东南部最大的医疗保健提供商, delivering cutting-edge technologies and top-notch service. 亚特兰大医疗中心获得2009年鲍德里奇奖, 全美仅有的五家因创新和卓越表现而获奖的机构之一. In July 2011, the $20.耗资600万美元的哈蒙顿大西洋健康公园向公众揭幕, 其中包括一个卫星急诊科,并扩大了前威廉. Kessler Memorial Hospital.

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Health Care

Case Studies

Tomasello Winery

To make great wines, a few key ingredients-good soil, healthy vines, sunlight, plentiful grapes and good barrels-are all necessary.
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Tackle Direct

TackleDirect是户外电子商务专卖店网络的一部分,总部位于蛋港镇, NJ.
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Comar是一家专业包装和点胶供应商,在开发创新产品方面有着悠久的声誉, industry-compliant…
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